There are few things I find less appealing than creators who decide to go back in time and tinker with their earlier works. Most will say they are seeking to resolve flaws that have always bugged them, or to reverse editorial edicts that prevented their original vision being fulfilled. Some of them might even believe that. I have no such illusions.

Everything in this narrative is true - but some of it never happened. That may sound impossible, but my meaning will become clear if you read to the end. You might even learn something new along the way.

What follows is a tale of hubris and folly and more, presented as best I can. Farewell!

James Stevens
September 27, 2015.

[ Intro Preface | 1 2 3 4 5 | 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | 22 23 24 | Epilogue | April 1996 Postscript 25 August 1971 Afterword ]

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