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Author's Foreword
Editor's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
England, 1901 - and the Doctor and Ace arrive at
the Berkshire manor house of Sir Arthur Cartwright, an old acquaintance, for a
relaxing holiday in the country.
As always, however, any anticipated peace and
tranquillity is soon interrupted by an increasing number of alarming events.
Members of the British gentry disappearing inexplicably one by one...
Scimitar-wielding Arab assassins in the gardens of an English country
estate... And Rama, a mysterious and amazing Egyptian stage magician in
London, who suddenly performs the ultimate disappearing act...
In a hectic chase to find the answers to these
elements of a larger mystery which has been brewing for over two thousand
years, the Doctor encounters some old friends from a past life... and some
ancient enemies from times beyond...
Events head inevitably towards an apocalyptic
climax as each group struggles for possession of an almost uncontrollably
powerful device from the depths of Dalek history...
Pages: 32
Published: May 1992
Editor: Chris Mander
Cover artist: Warwick Gray
A TSV Book
Published by the New Zealand Doctor Who Fan Club
Printed by New Zealand Typewriters Ltd
Glory of the Daleks won the short story competition at WhoCon in 1990 and
was intended for inclusion in an issue of Timestreams until it was decided
that the 17,000 word story was just about long enough to be published as a
novella-length book of its own. The books sold over 80 copies which was
better than sales for any issue of Timestreams. Christopher Owen began
writing a sequel, Brotherhood of Evil, which was to pick up where Glory of
the Daleks left off and was to have featured all thirteen incarnations of
the Meddling Monk inhabiting a monastery somewhere in England, but Owen
apparently lost interest in the project as the book was never completed.
There were plans for other novellas but nothing further was published.