The Ambassadors of Death

Type: TV story

NZ screenings:

TV2 : 21/06/1985 - 12/07/1985
TV2 : 13/10/1991 - 24/11/1991
Prime : 05/10/2000 - 12/10/2000

Doctor Who and the SiluriansInferno

Online Items

Doctor's Dilemma by Jon Preddle (Article) - TSV 26
Life on Mars by Peter Adamson (Article) - TSV 39
Doctor's Dilemma by Jon Preddle (Article) - TSV 42

The Ambassadors of Death by Jeff Stone (Television Review) - TSV 26

Third Doctor and Astronaut by David Ronayne - TSV 25
Cybermen, astronaughts, mummies by Peter Adamson - TSV 39