Type: TV story
NZ screenings: | TV2 : 18/10/1985 - 01/11/1985 TV2 : 04/04/1993 - 02/05/1993 Prime : 14/11/2000 - 19/11/2000
Online Items
Doctor's Dilemma by Jon Preddle (Article) - TSV 23
The Daemons by Graham Howard (Article) - TSV 33
Colouring in the Daemons by Nigel Windsor, Paul Scoones (Article) - TSV 33
The Season 8 Set - The Daemons by Brent White (Article) - TSV 34
Doctor Who - The Scripts by Paul Scoones (Article) - TSV 35
The Daemons by Roderick Hannah - TSV 31
Azal by Tim Hill - TSV 34
The Daemon of Devil's End by Neil Lambess - TSV 34