Type: TV story
NZ screenings: | TV2 : 07/02/1990 - 09/02/1990
Online Items
Season 24 First Impressions by Scott Walker, Andrew Poulsen (Article) - TSV 7
Tardis Tales with Kane from Dragonfire by Graham Muir (Cartoon) - TSV 12
Script to Screen: Dragonfire by Jon Preddle (Article) - TSV 38
Andrew Cartmel by David Bishop (Interview) - TSV 40
Doctored Who by Peter Adamson (Cartoon) - TSV 59
Dragonfire by Paul Scoones (Television Review) - TSV 6
Dragonfire by Michael Mayo (Television Review) - TSV 6
Dragonfire by Stephen Austin (Book Review) - TSV 14
Season 24: A Novelisation in Four Volumes by Paul Scoones (Book Review) - TSV 15
Dragonfire by Stuart Brown (Video Review) - TSV 40
Dragonfire by Tim Hill - TSV 38
Dragon by Tim Hill - TSV 40
Doctor's cliffhanger by Tim Hill - TSV 40