Type: TV story
NZ screenings: | TV2 : 26/08/1990 - 16/09/1990
Online Items
Who Is The Doctor by Matthew Eglinton (Article) - TSV 25
Perivale by Paul Scoones (Article) - TSV 25
Time Lord Game Additions - Omega, Cheetah People by Justin Reynolds (Article) - TSV 29
Doctor's Dilemma by Jon Preddle (Article) - TSV 29
Andrew Cartmel by David Bishop (Interview) - TSV 40
Season 26 Overview by Stuart Brown (Article) - TSV 43
Survival by David Bishop (Television Review) - TSV 17
Survival by Paul Scoones (Television Review) - TSV 17
Survival by Richard Scheib (Television Review) - TSV 17
Season 26 Overview by David Bishop (Television Review) - TSV 17
Hindscan - Season 26 by David Lawrence (Television Review) - TSV 20
Survival by Nicholas Withers (Video Review) - TSV 50
Cheetah person by Justin Grannall - TSV 29
Kitling by Tim Hill - TSV 40
The Master by Tim Hill - TSV 40
Kitling by Rochelle Thickpenny - TSV 43
Kitling by Edward Catt - TSV 50
Seventh Doctor and Ace by Garry Jackson - TSV 50