Home : Archive : TSV 1-10 : Issue


July 1987

Published July 1987

Editors & Writers
Paul Scoones, Paul Sinkovich


TSV started life as a 28 page A5 photocopied fanzine (today it's still photocopied and A5 but the page count has more than tripled). The editors were Paul Scoones and Paul Sinkovich, and the fanzine was published in Auckland. At this point there was just the zine - the fan club didn't come into existence until the following year. The fanzine's name - “The Time Space Visualiser” on the cover - was derived from the device featured in The Space Museum and The Chase that the Doctor used to view moments from history. The cover featured an MC Escher etching called ‘Castrovalva’ which had inspired the story of the same name. News included a profile of the recently cast Sylvester McCoy, an obituary for Patrick Troughton and the first details of Season 24. The Trial of a Time Lord received a long and generally negative review.




Reviews: Television

Reviews: Books

Print contents

2.Editorial Paul Scoones
4.Obituary: Patrick Troughton [Obituary] Paul Sinkovich
6.Season 24 [News]
7.Dr 7 - Sylvester McCoy Paul Scoones
8.The Doctor Who Programme Guide - Volume Three [Advert] Paul Scoones
9.The Trial of a Time Lord [Television Review] Paul Scoones
15.Dalek Early Developmental History Paul Scoones
16.Black Orchid [Book Review] Paul Scoones
17.Slipback [Book Review] Paul Sinkovich
18.Slipback [Book Review] Paul Scoones
20.Origins [Fiction] Paul Scoones
24.Who's In The News [Clippings]
25.Genesis of the Daleks [Television Review] Paul Scoones
26.The Seeds of Doom [Television Review] Paul Scoones
27.The Masque of Mandragora [Television Review] Paul Scoones
28.Television Preview [Preview]

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