TSV 51

June 1997

TSV 51
Published June 1997

Paul Scoones and Nicholas Withers
Paul Scoones
Rochelle Thickpenny
Regular Contributors
Peter Adamson, Alistair Hughes, Jon Preddle
Front cover art
Alistair Hughes
Back cover art
Peter Adamson
New Zealand Typewriters


Jon Preddle interviewed Gary Russell on his departure from DWM and his novels and Paul Scoones compiled a long and indepth tribute to Terry Nation. The video focused on this issue was The Green Death. A number of short stories were published, including a 'prelude' to the BBC novel The Devil Goblins from Neptune by Keith Topping & Martin Day, which coincided with the issue's publication.

Editor's Commentary





Reviews: Videos

Reviews: Books

Reviews: Magazines


Print contents

3.Editorial Paul Scoones
4.Update [News]
8.In Print [News]
12.Fan Scene [News]
13.Chapter Reports [News]
16.Traders' Corner
17.The Space-Time Telegraph [Letters]
Peter Adamson, Cameron Pritchard, Vernon McCarthy, Sarah Grieg, Phillip J Gray, Stephen Boswell, Jamas Enright, T Scott Andersson, Brad Schmidt and Alistair Hughes
21.Gary Russell: From Peladon to Placebos [Interview] Jon Preddle, Paul Scoones
32.The Karkus does a Martian Faceplant [Cartoon] Erato
34.The Green Death [Video Review] Alistair Hughes
38.Doctored Who [Cartoon] Peter Adamson
39.Story File: The Green Death [Regular] Paul Scoones
43.Terry Nation: Writing for the Screen Paul Scoones
52.Alien Nation Peter Adamson
58.An Afternoon With Tom Baker Nigel Windsor
61.The Truth about The War Machines Graham Howard
63.Once Upon a Time on a Lonely Hill... [Fiction] Francis Cooke
67.The Boy in the Attic [Fiction] Stephen Boswell
71.In Bloom [Comic Strip] Morgan Davie, Paul Potiki
83.Zero Minus Thirty-Three Days [Fiction] Keith Topping, Martin Day
84.A New Hope [Fiction] Alistair Hughes
86.Eternity Weeps [Book Review] Paul Scoones
86.The Room With No Doors [Book Review] Paul Scoones
86.Lungbarrow [Book Review] Paul Scoones
87.The Dying Days [Book Review] Paul Scoones
87.So Vile a Sin [Book Review] Paul Scoones
88.A Device of Death [Book Review] Paul Scoones
88.The Dark Path [Book Review] Paul Scoones
89.Oh No It Isn't [Book Review] Paul Scoones
89.Decalog 4 - Re: Generation [Book Review] Paul Scoones
90.The Eight Doctors [Book Review] Paul Scoones
90.The Devil Goblins from Neptune [Book Review] Paul Scoones
91.Doctor Who Magazine [Magazine Review] Jon Preddle

Artwork by: Alistair Hughes, Peter Adamson, Bevan Thomas (View thumbnails)